Batshit Monday…

Sadly, it's a shame there isn't a full moon tonight.  At least that would partially explain why everyone appears to be so batshit crazy today.

First, foremost and above all we have Charlie Sheen, who is putting to shame…let me say it again…putting to shame ANYTHING Britney and Whitney have done in the past — COMBINED. That crazy jackass is jumping from TV show to TV show crying out about how the network has mentally harmed him. But the quote that in my mind deems him certifiably batshit crazy is, "I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitching a total freaking rock star from Mars."

Really Charlie? Why don't you take your batshit crazy rock star status and go back to Mars. Maybe someone there will appreciate what a big star you are.

Next we have John Boehner, who has all but given up pretending like he's working towards fulfilling his promise to get American's working again. His next major goal is to make sure the House of Representatives defends the Defense of Marriage Act, now that the President has come to the logically conclusion many of us have had since day one – it's Unconstitutional. Boehner thinks that because the bill passed easily and overwhelmingly back in 1996 that the House should "lead" where the President is failing. Really John? Excuse Mr. Speaker…where are the jobs you promised?

Next up…Iran calls 2012 London Olympics logo 'racist,' threatens boycott. This one honetly caused me to spit my Peach Snapple over my monitor and keyboard. What does one…what can one really say about this? Judge for yourself…



Last but certainly not least, we have Maine Governor Paul LePage who during a press conference today said the following…


As I said to my friend who posted this story on Facebook, it's a damn shame Charlie Sheen had his nervous meltdown today. This certainly would have been amongst the top batshit moments of the day.

And there, in a NUTshell, I give you Batshit Monday.

What will Tuesday bring?

It's like they say…crazy never takes a day off!

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